11 Signs That Show a Dog Trusts You

We all want to have that loving, close bond with our dogs, but what signs show a dog trusts you? This bond does not appear overnight and takes a lot of patience and work, but it is rewarding and makes for a happier, healthier dog.

Here are 11 Signs That Show a Dog Trusts You:

Eye Contact

For dogs, making eye contact is serious business. Holding eye contact for 3 or 4 seconds makes most dogs uncomfortable, which is a sign of a challenge. However, eye contact shows trust for a dog who has bonded with its owner. If you want to increase your dog’s confidence, you can gaze at them while giving lots of praise and gently stroking to reassure them.

Relaxed Body Language

A happy dog will display very calm and relaxed body language. This includes a loose mouth, a relaxed facial expression (no frown creases between the eyes), and a loose wagging tail. Dogs who trust will roll over for belly rubs. Instinctively, dogs will hide their belly area as this is the place predators generally attack first. If your dog shows his stomach to you, he truly trusts you.

Checking In

When you go out for walks or visit a new place, a trusting dog will check in with you from time to time. This includes turning towards you to see how far away you are or returning to you without asking. This is a natural pack behavior. Members of the pack will check in with each other to ensure everything is okay. If your dog does this, then he trusts you.

Greet You When You Come Home

After a long day at work or a few hours running errands, your dog should have at least noticed that you were not home! If your dog is truly bonded to you and values your presence within the home, he will react with excitement whenever you return.

Lying On Your Clothes

Dogs have an excellent sense of smell, and those who are well-bonded to their owners will find their scents calming. If your dog trusts you, he will enjoy lying about things that smell like you. This includes furniture, bedding, and clothes. He may even carry around your shoes!

Responds To Your Voice

Anyone can train a dog, but if your dog trusts you, he will respond to your voice in any situation. A call is a great way to show this. Dogs who always come when called show that they value your company and attention. They see it as a high-value reward, even better than playing with other dogs!

Seeking Physical Contact

Pack members often seek grooming or physical contact from other members they trust. If your dog comes to you for attention, such as strokes or playtime, this shows that he has a good bond with you. Dogs who trust will fall asleep easily in your presence and even choose a spot close to you to nap.

You can improve your bond by doing training sessions, encouraging them to play fetch with you, or giving them a grooming session. All these things are signs that show a dog trusts you and values your company.

Brings You Things

If a dog trusts you, it will not hesitate to bring you its favorite toys or objects. This can include balls, bones, or other items they hold dear. Sharing these items is a sign of trust, as the dog shows you their prized possessions and entrusts them to your care. Additionally, bringing you a blanket or cushion is a sign that the dog is seeking comfort and security in your presence.

Licks Your Face

Dogs licking their owners is a common way to express affection and trust. When a dog licks your face, it shows that they trust you and feel a strong emotional connection with you. Dogs often use this behavior to build bonds with others in their pack and can indicate that they see you as a close friend and companion. Whether a gentle nuzzle or a playful lick, this action is a sure sign that your dog loves and trusts you.

Follows You Around

If a dog follows you around the house, it’s a sign that they trust and want to be near you. This behavior demonstrates their comfort and security in your presence, indicating a strong bond between you and your furry friend. Whether you’re doing household chores or simply relaxing, having your dog by your side clearly shows their affection and trust in you.

Shares Their Toys

Dogs are known to be possessive of their toys, but if a pup trusts you, they will happily share them with you. This act of generosity signifies that your furry friend is comfortable around you and wants to play together. Trusting you enough to share their possessions is a big deal in a dog’s world!

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